Squarespace Blogs | 5 Basics For Publishing

You are an SEO writing expert with a command of keyword research, knowledge of appropriate title tag and meta description construction, and a steadfast commitment to your internal links to always have appropriate anchor text. Awesome. You have your blogging game-face on as you sit down at your laid back coffee spot, preparing to crank out a minimum of 600 words on a topic where you can add helpful content with a unique perspective. Check. You have your latte in hand and your laptop sticker density correctly identifies you as a digital marketing dork. Contact! But wait…you recall that this particular blog is for a new client that doesn’t have a WordPress site. It’s a Squarespace site, a less complicated CMS, but one that can still can pose some questions to those who are new to the platform. Before you abort the SEO writing mission, here are 5 basics to get you though publishing your first Squarespace blogs.

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Customer Care is Good Marketing – 4 Keys to Remember

Good marketing is based on the general idea that organizations want to attract qualified prospects, and then retain them for the future. For those who buy in to our way thinking (seems like common sense on this side), it seems obvious that customer care is a critical part of that process. After all, what’s the point of attracting the best prospects if you plan to push them away after converting them? For those who want to consider this kind of business suicide, we say just get to the point and alienate them immediately!

Hyperbole aside, we continue to be amazed at just how many organizations don’t seem to understand the clear link between good customer service and healthy, productive marketing .

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The Google Marketing Platform and Other Big Changes From the Big G

Big news from the big hitters in digital marketing this week. Google announced a number of changes with serious implications for agencies, clients, and existing providers of integrated digital marketing platforms.

So what’s happening?

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The Value of Online Search (Would You Give Up Google for $17,500 a Year?)

What if someone told you that you had to give up most of your Internet services for a year? What would you miss the most between social media, e-commerce, video streaming, GPS and Maps, email, or online search? How much would you need to be compensated in order to give up those things for that year?

According to a recent study, it’s not even close in terms of what people value: online search wins in a landslide. In fact, the median value that people said they would need to be compensated to give up internet search for a year is a whopping $17,500! This compares to about $8,500 for email, around $3,500 for GPS and maps, $1,150 for video streaming, $850 for access to Ecommerce, and just over $300 for social media (that’s all of the social platforms combined, sorry Facebook).

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